Who We Are

We have provided business services and commercial law advice together, including as commercial law partners in a national firm and as in-house counsel and commercial manager for a multi-national.

We know each other well, and try not to take ourselves too seriously.  But we do take our work and the interests of our clients seriously.  We strive to provide useful, practical, high quality and cost-effective business services and commercial law advice.

Rob spends his time in the Wellington and Hawkes Bay regions.  He also has a car sales business in Tauranga.  A commercial law practitioner (with experience in New Zealand and overseas), Rob has also specialised in tax, finance and public law.

Chris spends his time in the Wellington and Wairarapa regions.  He has farmed cattle and subdivided rural land in Wairarapa.  A commercial law practitioner, Chris has also undertaken a lot of commercial litigation management.

We provide our business advisory and support services through macdonaldstreet Limited.

We provide our legal services through macdonaldstreet Legal.

Rob Macdonald

Chris Street